One-on-One Guidance
Our Done-WITH-You Sessions will remove the guesswork, give you personalized guidance, and help you confidently market your book.
You know that author who always seems to get the engagement on social media, who’s reaching new readers daily, and whose book sales consistently go through the roof? It’s not because they randomly toss ideas out there to see what sticks.
It’s because they have a solid marketing system in place that resonates with their ideal readers.
Here’s what I bring to the marketing-table:
The Specialties
Social Media
to consistently connect with readers (in other words, get more eyes on you)
Book Marketing
to show readers why your book is exactly what they’re looking for (on and offline)
your group of ideal readers with their credit card in hand, saying, “I’m ready to buy!”
*Best for Growing an Audience*
Social Growth Sessions
Done-WITH-You Sessions
You’ve been posting on social media, you have done everything you *thought* you were supposed to do, but all you hear are…crickets. You aren’t seeing growth on social media or in your book sales. Rest assured, you don’t need to start your marketing over from scratch - your approach just needs a little zhooshing. I’ve got you covered, my friend! I’ll go over everything (and I mean eeeeeverything!) in your social media with a fine toothed comb to show you the exact changes, updates, and feedback you need to finally see the growth you’re looking for.
Price: $700
*Best for Increasing Book Sales*
Next Level Marketing
Done-WITH-You Sessions
You’ve released several books, you have a solid following on social media and it continues to grow like gangbusters - you’re like the Elle Woods of authors and you know how to connect with your readers. (“What? Like it’s hard?”) But when it comes to turning those social media followers into actual book buyers, that’s where you’re stuck. You’re not quite ready for a full on “done-for-you” service, but you still need help. You need someone to come work alongside you to get the personalized guidance to take your books to the next level. I’ve got ya covered!
Price: $1,500
*Just Need Some Added Guidance*
Strategic Support Call
You’re feeling pretty good about your marketing, but getting some feedback from a professional to make sure you are on the right path would make it all the better. My Strategic Support Call is a single 45-minute session where I address a specific question so you feel confident in your marketing.
Price: $250
What other options are there?
Do-It-Yourself Solutions
Easy and effective marketing tutorials, guides, and our online community for authors.
Done-FOR-You Services
An all-inclusive marketing makeover, so you can confidently sell your books and not feel overwhelmed.