Ready to connect with more readers?

Signature Marketing Package

The done-for-you social media service authors have been asking for.

What’s waay better than DIY?

You know social media is one of the best ways to find and connect with your audience. But the idea of coming up with what to post, how to post it, and how to connect with readers makes you want to hide under a blanket and eat a sleeve of Oreos. Don’t worry - I’ve got you covered!

The Signature Marketing Package provides you with everything (and I mean everything!) to help you jumpstart your social media, save time, and see results.

What You’ll Get:

  • A complete social media audit. I go over your social profiles, bios, keywords, usernames with a fine toothed comb and make adjustments so you stand out online.

  • Market Research. A complete marketing, keyword, and content research report to make you and your book searchable and discoverable online 

  • Customized marketing funnel and strategy to lead readers from discovering you to buying your books 

  • Complete social media plan to easily connect with readers and lead them to purchase your book 

  • Posts and Continued Use Plan. A minimum of three months of social media posts and a comprehensive strategy to continuously reuse content 

  • Captions and caption templates to maximize your impact 

  • Video and graphic posts to grab your reader’s attention 

  • Branding strategy for the best look and feel of your posts and online presence 

  • A comprehensive timeline to know what and when you will receive each of the deliverables 

How does this work?

I can tell you this with 100% confidence: when authors are completely 100% hands off of their social media and marketing, it does not have the same impact.

Readers want to connect with you. This package is one of the best resources available because it empowers you and removes the guesswork of what to post, while it keeps you in touch and involved with the process - just without the stress.

I do all the research, audits, content strategy, content creation, and provide you with an easy to follow schedule. You (or your virtual assistant) take those elements and schedule them to post.

This saves you countless hours every week, gives you the results you’re looking for, while keeping you in tune and in touch with your readers.

The Process

  • If we seem like a good fit, I will send you a questionnaire and get your first Zoom session on the calendar. 

  • We will dig deep into your questionnaire and connect for our first Zoom call where we will dig into the nitty gritty details.

  •  It’s hands-off for you while I do my magic! I go over every detail of your social media presence and create everything to take your social media to new heights. 

  • We have our final Zoom session and I walk you through all the details to make the hand-off of your new plan easy and breezy to apply! 

“I did the recommendations you suggested and grew my Instagram account from 200 followers to over 11,000 in a matter of months, and from less than 100 followers to over 3,000 on TikTok. You’re amazing and the best author resource I’ve ever seen.” 

“After implementing the changes you suggested and taking my social media more seriously, I sold over 3,400 books in 90 days!!” 

“I have seen a significant boost to my sales and have rediscovered an appreciation for social media as it was meant to be - a way to connect with people. I’m having a blast! Thank you! Truly!”

“Sounds like just what I need!”

Let’s talk investment…



  • A customized social media plan

  • 1:1 time with Jenn 

  • Comprehensive market research

  • Posts, captions, videos, graphics and elements created by Jenn

  • Branding Strategy

  • Peace of mind

+The time and expertise of a social media and book marketing expert who specializes in authors (just like you!) to streamline and strategize your unique messaging! 


Pay your way, with no interest added.

of $3,000


of $1,500


of $1,000

Still have questions?

  • I book up pretty quickly, so I would plan in advance to make sure the timeframe that you need is available.

  • Starting your social media presence as soon as possible is a very smart move! It takes time and you can do that well before you finish your book. Your future self will thank you for starting early!

  • I can usually get them done within 1-2 weeks.

  • There are no guarantees - especially when it comes to social media. But what I can guarantee is that you will be getting the best information, guidance, and tools available to do it right.

Ready to do this?

Apply to work with me! 

Submit an application and if you seem like a good fit, we will schedule a call to connect. It’s easy, no strings attached. Let’s do this thing!