Everything Authors Need To Successfully Market Their Books and Connect With More Readers

Choose Your Own Journey…

No matter where you start, all of our products are carefully crafted and work beautifully on their own or together as a full marketing system.

Our Exclusive Membership

The membership that will take you from yelling into the void to a thriving author platform (online and offline!)

The Author Circle

Stand Out Social Media for Authors

Our Proven System to Connect with Readers

Turn your social media presence from a shouting match into a cozy coffeeshop conversation with your biggest fans.

The Book Marketing Starter Kit

Your Marketing Foundation

Helping authors go from confused to confidently marketing their books with our streamlined marketing system.

Newsletter Starter Kit

A Book Marketing Essential

Want to skip the stress and create your newsletter with confidence? This is your secret weapon! 

Coming Soon…

From Post to Purchase (June 2024)

The Book Marketing Intensive (July 2024)

The Magnetic Marketing System (September 2024)