How to Grow Your Audience If You Hate Social Media



Social media is, hands down, the best way to connect with others and grow your audience - but that doesn't mean that everyone likes using it. In this episode, we share strategies to help you grow your audience and actually enjoy the process. 

  • Remember that social media is not marketing - it's a tool to connect with likeminded people. 

  • Curate your feed to be enjoyable for you. 

  • Know your ideal reader. When you are intentional and connect with people that you WANT to connect with, you'll enjoy those connections and you'll see more engagement. 

  • Tap into social media management tools like Buffer to schedule your posts. 

Make it happen moment: Go unfollow accounts that don't make you enjoy your time on social media. 


"How To Grow Your Audience If You Hate Social Media" blog post


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